About Us
Inspired by the human potential, Together on a mission to make the world green again.
Our Story
Why we do what we do?
We Walk in nature and we realize that it is a great thing.
We look at the trees and all we see is supreme beauty.
And we want to keep that for our posterity.

Anton Bennink

For me, the big change in my life started after my internship in Johannesburg. Just before I would return to the Netherlands my life took a new turn. I fell in love...

And no, it was not with one of my fellow interns. It was with a beautiful South African woman who had won my heart. Unfortunately I was soon to depart and go back to my cold little country and I had to leave my new found love behind for an indefinite period...

During the long period apart, we quickly realized that if we wanted to be together, we have to make a plan as it would not happen by itself. We had to find an alternative solution to walk our life's path independently of other people. For example, we came the the realization that by creating an entrepreneurship,  we were able to make ends meet without depending on others and regardless of location.

After about a year and a half of puzzling with visa's, passports, airline tickets and big losses in both of our families we sat together. It was as if we were destined to be there, at a seminar of Success Resources with speakers like Robert Kiyosaki, JT Fox, Peng Joon and Doug Nelson. This is where me and my life partner were introduced to the concept of direct response marketing via the internet. A skill set that we have developed and worked on over a period of time, to where we are able to earn independently irrespective of our location. Why is that important?

Because we want to decide for ourselves when and where we want to be, we love to travel and experience new cultures and thus this was the perfect set up for us.

However this was not yet the most special event of this seminar, there was something much more impactful that caught my attention. After the presentations, we got the opportunity to speak with Doug Nelson. So I asked him what a great industry would be to work in, as a young, ambitious and globally oriented person. He answered in one word:


Well, what to do with that information ...my mind began running in all different directions. 

Nowadays I believe in the concept of "energy" as a much broader and more complex term. I have a clearer understanding and knowledge  of the fact that everything in the world consists of energy and matter.  Back then I took what Douglas has said to me literally and started my journey as an independent party to buy and sell electricity and gas from suppliers for companies in the Netherlands. Since this was via the internet and telecommunications, we were immediately independent of location .... Goal Achieved?

Not quite yet however I was on the path to something great and life changing. From an early age I knew I wanted to make a difference, I wanted to leave behind a great legacy and be remembered as a man who had accomplished great things. I can still remember dreaming of becoming an astronaut one day. Although that dream is still just that 
a dream, I hold onto it and the memories of wanting to do something extraordinary because it is through Engergy transition and Entran that I have been able to turn my dreams into a reality. 

There was a shift that occurred in me, a movement that suddenly dawned on me and quickly become a constant concern in my head. By this time me and my partner were living in sunny Cyprus in Greece working hard towards our goal. After taking an afternoon swim in the Mediterranean sea one day we become aware of the fact that there were no fish swimming around, no seaweed floating on the surface, there was nothing living in sight but instead in its place was PLASTIC all around us...

This as both a shock and a big wake up call that something needed to be done and it had to be done immediately. After that we decided to start collecting litter on our daily beach walks it wasn't going to save the oceans but it was something. This was a good start, but after some consideration I thought it was time for us to make an even bigger positive difference with the business. I set out on a mission to start my own company which would provide not only cheap energy for customers, but also accelerating the energy transition, inspiring people to educate themselves and work towards living a more sustainable and healthier lifestyle to save our planet. 

This was no easy task, to gather the right specialists around you and work together to create a plan that would offer people the solution for every sustainability issue. But I set out with that as my goal. 

As I recently learned from my new and dear friend, mentor and business partner Jef, life presents itself. In this case, during my search for an exponential acceleration for the energy transition, I met Jef Rijsdijk at a meeting of BNI (Business Network International). A passionate climate entrepreneur who is trustworthy and true in his cause to save the planet. 

At this meeting we shared our life stories, about the human potential and about the need for a more sustainable way of life for the planet and for mankind. You can read more below, Jeff and I have never been and probably never will be able to finish our conversation...

Jef Rijsdijk

I was inspired because I have had a burning fire all my life to mean something to this world. Being a "footstep" in this world and it started at a young age.

In my career, I have always wanted to help people, inspire them to work together harmoniously on the right path and coordinate to take steps towards a better world.

Eventually on all my travels, at some point I saw what happened in this world.

I saw what happened to nature, I saw what happened to people and I found that change all starts with yourself.

You can look away.
You can laugh cynically.
But you can also say:
I choose to contribute to a better world.

My contribution started with coaching people who are struggling, people with blockages, people with fears, I wanted to help them to find themselves again.

A continuation of this contribution to the world is, how do you shape the heart of the Netherlands (family businesses)?

How can you keep the passion in family businesses? How can you get a purpose in family businesses so that several generations can keep the family business afloat and let it flourish? And how do you ensure it is the heart of the Netherlands? there is the soul.

Along my road to success I was confronted by a life changing situation a friend of mine who had a great climate company became seriously ill and he asked me on his sick bed: “do you want to continue this company with my son?” I didn't  give it a second thought, I said yes and I went for it.

It has been 4 years since my dear friend asked that question and I promised to nurture and continue his legacy. We are currently putting all kinds of energy concepts and climate control systems on the market in the Netherlands and also abroad, to ensure that we will achieve this sustainability goal.

One day I was in a meeting during a trip, and I met a young determined and enthusiastic man named Anton. He had an inspiring story and was excited about energy transition and his story and passion resonated with me. That’s why we got into a deeper conversation and we never have finished the talk.

This talk has resulted in our cooperation and the companies Inntens Climate Technology and Entran BV are both pursuing the energy transition. We want to solve the energy problem from the core and make sure we achieve our goal of together making the world green again. 

smiling jef  Rijsdijk, a partner with entran
Have you read Jef's latest publication already? 
The Shift

We are on our way to a new earth, the awareness and awareness of man can no longer be stopped.
On Our Way To A Sustainable Decade:
Our Services
Go Green
On A Mission To Make The World Green Again.
In collaboration with specialists from all over the world, and information obtained from highly credible sources, we are happy to bring you the best solution for your situation.

With a strong passion to make our world a greener, healthier and more sustainable planet, we are constantly looking for the most profitable sustainability solutions.
a cartoon man checking a poster
Go Green Guide
Sustainability can be a complicated matter. The complexity is mainly due to the fact that every situation is unique when it comes to the right sustainability approach for you. So let's solve it for you by simplifying the process.
a brightening light-bulb man plugging himself
The First Step
Life is not a waiting game. Now is the time to act! A simple first step for every household is to start replacing their old lights with LED. A great saving on your energy consumption AND in your wallet...
Recent Blogs
Together on a mission to a greener world.
 10  May 2020
The Shift
 18  May  2020
Upcoming Event
Inspired By Human Potential' On a Mission to Make the World Green Again.
 1 Aug 2020
Contact us
If you want to speak to us personally you are can contact us through these channels:
Email: info@entran.nl
Phone: +3185-0645840
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