Sustainable Products
Profitable Sustainability
Inspired by the human potential,
Together on a mission to make the world green again. 
At Entran we do everything with a clear purpose, setting out to achieve every one of our goals.  Of course just like any other organisation we want to be successful and create a lucrative brand however this is not our main objective. Creating a sustainable future is at the core of our foundation. 

At Entran our aim is to lead  by example, igniting a flame and causing a ripple effect that will allow any class of person to live a sustainable lifestyle while still living comfortably and saving the environment while doing so. For this reason we guarantee that all of our products and all services that we advise in comply with and contribute towards creating a better world and cleaner environment for us and for future generations. 

a cartoon LED light bulbs with a dollar sign in the bulb
How can you go more sustainable fast, without having to be worried about bad investments?
As a logical first step you should really consider installing LED lights. You'll reduce your energy consumption by more than half. We have all gotten used to a culture of over-abundance. Let's at least learn how to use this abundance sustainably.  
a man holding a solar panel piece facing the sunshine
Solar Panels
What is the best way to produce your own renewable energy?
You guessed it right, solar panels! The developments in solar panels keep moving forward, the solar panel technique has developed far enough for everyone to make use of it in an easy and affordable way. Are you investing your money in the right way? There are only few investments with such a beautifully stable return on your money as going solar.
hot and cold air exchange.
Climate Technique
Are you worried about the climate change too?

With our sustainable climate technique solutions we set out to create an optimal inside climate while damaging the outside climate as little as possible.
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a warm and cozy home with a big tv
Infrared Heating
Healthy heating?
With infrared it is possible. No dust that will be spread through circulating air and top of that it is a super comfortable warmth that is great for your muscles. Yes we really are living in the 21st century!
What Infrared Can Do for You
a green blooming tree
Planting Trees
Ready to go green?

To strengthen our mission we donate 10% if all our profits to the Greenpop foundation. Besides that we are working on an awareness expansion within humanity through our "Tree of Life" bands. For every band we ship out we have one tree planted in cooperation with One Tree Planted!
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The easiest way to go energy neutral...

In the Netherlands, there are already great sufficient suppliers that make it a point to only buy energy from RENEWABLE SOURCES. Nowadays it is so simple to choose a well-priced sustainable supplier that everyone should consider doing it. If this is in your country and you want to live a more sustainable lifestyle and try do your part to save the environment then  please make conscious and deliberate decision to go with such a supplier!


For rapid sustainability and a quick return on your investment, LED lighting solutions are NUMERO UNO! Relative to the incandescent lamp, often up to 70% energy usage reduction. You can think of it as 1-2-3- Jippieee I made my money back already!

Solar Panels... The Newest Generation

With an increase in demand of solar panels of around 6%, the time to invest is now! By going with solar panels, you will soon have a lot more return on your money and you will be saving the environment as an added bonus  . Do you want a return on your money? Request our advice via the link below.

21st Century Climate Technique

With our climate-technical solutions, we aim to achieve the optimal indoor climate in a sustainable manner. Our goal is to achieve a comfortable inner climate without effecting the outer climate... That is the goal!

Infrared - healthy heating without gas

Yes it is possible to heat your entire house without gas with infrared heating. No dust, no high electricity bills and no more bad chemicals . Infrared heating is not only good for the environment but it also good for your health. Yes, we really live in the 21st century.
a man sitting on a tree branches
Do you also want profitable sustainability?
By becoming a little bit of a handy man and installing the solar panels on your roof yourself you'll be able to save a lot of money on the initial installation so in turn you'll have an even faster return on your money....
Recent Blogs
Together on a mission to a greener world.
 10 May 2020
The Shift
 18 May 2020
Upcoming Event
Inspired By Human Potential' On a Mission to Make the World Green Again.
 1 Aug 2020
Contact us
If you want to speak to us personally you are can contact us through these channels:
Email: info@entran.nl
Phone: +3185-0645840
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