Our Blog: Entran
"Together we are on a mission to make the world green again."

Inspiration, motivation and strategy to live the fullest version of your life. Together we can make a difference!
smiling jef, a partner with entran

The Shift

There is a shift taking place within our world and the question we want to ask you is will you be apart of it? We are on our way to creating a new earth. 

The definition of awareness is the knowledge or perception of a situation or fact, as human beings we are aware of the fact that our earth is deteriorating every single day however we choose to turn a blind eye to it and live everyday the same. If we want our earth to be prosperous and well heeled there is a shift that needs to take place. This shift is essential not only to a healthier planet but a healthier life for all of us who inhabit it. We need to not only be aware but be active in the role we all have to play in saving our planet.  We are all connected to one another and we form part of a larger system, the ecosystem. The shift encourages us to start caring about not only where we live but how we live. Guiding us towards a healthier lifestyle and overall suitable way of living. 

Looking at the bigger picture means we need to look at all of its components. Raw fossil materials are scarce, there is too much deforestation and over- consumption. Many animals and important insect species, plants and medicinal herbs are all in danger of becoming extinct if they have not already. All of these factors are extremely damaging and have a long lasting negative effect on the entire ecosystem. It has become alarmingly clear and apparent that we are exhausting the earth and all of its necessary proprieties it needs to sustain any kind of human, animal or plant life. There is a shift that needs to happen and it needs to happen NOW. 

Working towards creating a sustainable decade:

Living a sustainable life style has to do with a deeper consciousness that allows us to make better, well informed and educated decisions about what we eat, buy, wear and do while saving the planet and spending as little as possible. By choosing to live a sustainable lifestyle we are implementing a change and taking responsibility for our earth and for the future generations.

As we develop and the economy grows, we have access to more thus our standard of living increases and we become accustomed to a certain way of live. With this development, a realization occurs that we need to live a healthier lifestyle with frequent exercise.  We need to become more educated about nutrition and about the food we eat.  
  We are looking for the origin of what we eat and dra
 Awareness increases insight:

How much energy do I use? And how can I do my bit to reduce my energy consumption? What can I save in my monthly expenses through living sustainably?

In addition to sustainable living, we have to make a change in our consumption monitoring what we consume and the level of our consumption. We need to start consuming less, at this point in time we have access to various channels and data bases where we can look up everything and have a clear understanding of  the hazardous and harmful effects the production of processed food and other consumer goods has on the environment. By choosing to work with us, Entran promises to help you on your journey to living a healthier, better  and more sustainable life. Help us on our mission to make a change and make the world green again. 

Entran stands for sustainable life style and ecological action, and this is precisely what we aim to do. Our goal is to work towards building a sustainable lifestyle through employing and promoting ecological action while we encourage others like you to do the same. We want to leave a green footprint on this world knowing that we did our part and accomplished our goal in making the world green again. This is why 10% of all our sales go to a sustainable goal. In recent months, we have planned 20 trees in South Africa and this number is increasing daily. 

The Entran’s Go Green Guide embodies our values and is the perfect guide for you to begin your green journey in living a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. Fill in the scan and you will receive a step by step guide detailing exactly where to begin and how to build a more sustainable life.

Entran is your partner in sustainable life style.

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Email: info@entran.nl
Phone: +3185-0645840
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