Terms & Conditions

Entran general terms and conditions

Article 1: Definitions
The following definitions apply in these terms and conditions:
Entran: the entran.nl website, other websites that link to entran.nl and the support services provided by Entran;

Contractor: the person who wants to conclude a contract or purchase a product via Entran and its website or one of its partners, to which these conditions apply;

Agreement: the agreements recorded in a form, document or in another way, the agreements recorded in a form, document or in another way, on the basis of which Entran provides one or more services;

Services: the services to be provided by Entran such as the provision of information, automatic postal code control, mediation between contractor and suppliers, sale of energy, energy transition means and sale of hardware and other products.
Matters: the mediation between the contractor who has concluded an agreement with one of the suppliers and these suppliers by Entran.

Article 2: Subject
Entran provides one or more services as described in the agreement. Changes in the scope and / or content of a service must be agreed in writing and will then form part of the agreement.

Article 3: Provisions
By using the services of Entran you declare to have taken note of the full terms and conditions and you also agree to the full content of these terms and conditions, as a result of which Entran cannot be held responsible for the articles mentioned in these terms and conditions , members and sub-members.
Entran's services to the contractor cease after the contractor is affiliated with one of the participating suppliers or has been informed that he / she cannot use the services of the supplier due to, but not limited to, technical or administrative limitations. After connection or rejection of the subscription or product requested via Entran with the supplier, there is no longer any question of an agreement in any capacity between Entran and the contracting party and the contracting party can then no longer claim the services provided by Entran assessment of Entran. Of course, unless otherwise agreed.

Article 4: Cooperation by the contractor
The contractor will, insofar as this is reasonably necessary, cooperate in the execution of the agreement. He will, among other things, provide necessary data to Entran, to employees of Entran or to third parties engaged by Entran and will take measures so that Entran can properly provide its services.
The employees of Entran or of third parties engaged by Entran will adhere to the access regulations and / or security measures of the contractor, as indicated in the agreement.

Article 5: Confidentiality
Each party is obliged to maintain confidentiality vis-à-vis third parties of all data of a confidential nature, in whatever form, obtained from the other party. Login data and passwords are only for personal use by the contractor and may never be made public in any way.

Article 6: Property and intellectual property rights
The agreement does not extend to the transfer of ownership of goods and software, and / or of the intellectual property rights to the goods and software that Entran uses when performing the service.
The intellectual property rights to any data produced by Entran for the implementation of the agreement, such as reports, advice and documentation, rest with Entran. The contracting party acquires a non-exclusive right to use the data limited to the purpose for which the data was provided.
If third parties wish to assert rights with regard to the items, the software or the data referred to in the second paragraph or to take measures such as seizure, the contracting party must inform them of Entran's rights immediately. The contractor must immediately inform Entran.

Article 7: Rates
All rates stated on Entran are from the suppliers and are subject to change, all prices are stated in Euros and if not specifically stated include 21% VAT. Rates such as subscription costs, network costs, taxes, connection costs, modem costs and other related costs are subject to change and may change in the interim. Contractors that have actually been activated by the supplier will no longer have any relationship with Entran from the time of conclusion, unless otherwise agreed. Contractors will be kept informed by the relevant Provider of interim changes in the rates. Entran will have no further influence on this and can never be held liable for this

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If you want to speak to us personally you are can contact us through these channels:
Email: info@entran.nl
Phone: +3185-0645840
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